Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Let Go and Accept the Best!

Do you often hold on to things longer than you should? Such as, a relationship or a job because you think that you won't be able to find something better than what you already "have"?

Do you suffer form the belief of scarcity, lack and resignation that there is nothing better than this?

When you finally have the courage to let go, you will discover something superior. Unfailingly, I have found that when I surrender my will to a higher will, everything unfolds better than I could have even imagined.

Case in point, I was feeling a bit cramped in my little beach studio pad with all my clothes and two bikes. I was also feeling a bit unsafe due to some issues that I brought upon myself. In addition to these issues, I had been quite unhappy the last few months with the Debbie Downer neighbor. Finally after many days of minimal sleep I decided it was time to let my precious beach pad go and relocate for peace of mind. However, I was torn. What could be better than living right on the beach in a studio? And where could I go and stay in my price range with the ocean view that I had grown accustomed to?

Well, after only two days of prayer, I discovered a 1 bedroom on the beach with a balcony view of the ocean! And I have the option of spreading the 1st month’s rent over 12 months (with a property manager named Angel who in fact had helped me get the original beach pad in a location next to my current beach pad.) Wow! Wasn't that Amazing??!!

I asked and it was given almost instantaneously! Now I am in a place of rapid expansion. As I prepare to move and take on a new intern and allow this new place of expansion in my residence, business and consciousness to flow with ease and grace, I give many thanks for the higher power that breathed it into being.

As a recommendation, I adsive you to take care in what you ask for because, if your belief is in alignment with having it, you will find it comes to you immediately. If you are not ready to receive it, your fear will sabotage it. If you are ready, you will have to jump into this next stage that you called forth and enjoy the ride.

Seven Tips to Gain Self-Respect

1. R esponsibility. Take responsibililty for your actions and state the ground rules for interactions with yourself. State what you will and won’t accept as a measure of self-respect.

2. E nforcement. Reinforce boundaries so once the ground rules are laid out, it is up to you to enforce them. You are modeling the self-respect you desire from others.

3. S peak up. It is common to feel an aversion to a potentially confrontational interaction however, if you don’t speak the truth your soul will react and for me, I get a physical cough like a choke that no amount of cough medicine will get rid of.

4. P atience. Be patient and believe in yourself and that you will find that divine right job, mate, living situation. Don’t compromise for less than you deserve.

5. E mpower. As you shift from reacting to responding you will find that you feel empowered. Remember, you can’t change anyone else but as you change yourself others will reactions to you will change and shift.

6. C ommunicate. Speaking up for your self worth is vital for your self esteem, even if it seems challenging. Speak your truth and let go of the reaction of the other party. It is about your intention to speak up for yourself. Let go of attachment to the other person’s ability or inability to hear your point of view.

7. T ell the truth. Even if it seems it will hurt. It is better to be direct than resentful.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

R-E-S-P-E-C-T for Peak Results

Have you found yourself doing things or taking actions that are not in alignment with your highest good?

Have you ever played a part that was not the full expression of you to gain someone else’s approval or to make someone like you?

Have you ever settled for less because of some part of you that believed there was nothing better out there?

Have you ever stayed quiet to avoid confrontation when you know you should’ve spoken up?

A key component of Synergy Unlimited’s success with ease and grace philosophy is as Aretha Franklin sings, R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Since all respect is self-respect how can we respect ourselves and experience unconditional love for ourselves regardless of other peoples wants or desires?

I recently had a challenging situation with my new neighbor. I live in this amazing duplex that I manifested right on the beach in Venice. It is heaven on earth to wake up to the waves and jog on the beach at sunrise and by moonlight. The only challenge is, which I neglected to specify in my manifestation, please allow my neighbors to be nice and friendly. I remember the first words out of my neighbor's mouth when I walked in were, "Here is the bill for the utilities we can hear Everything and by the way, we don’t have to be friends but let’s be friendly. Whoa! I was like, "Hello to you too!" As it turns out, I live next door to Debbie Downer.

Do you remember the Saturday Day Night Live skit with Debbie Downer? Everything you would say, she would come back with a negative response that could put a dark cloud on your sunny day if you let it. For example, I could say "I am so excited to have this great job as a Spiritual Counselor". Debbie’s response, "Oh what at drag listening to people’s problems all the time… how draining”. Or "I am so excited about this new speaking gig in Washington State". Debbie’s response “It must be a drag having to fly and go through all that horrible airport security. And with all the new terrorists plots you must be worried for your life all the time.” You get my point. Debbie Downer would find the negative in everything! Needless to say, that is why I go by Deborah or Deb so as to not cause any mistaken identity.

Over the holidays I had some time off and was home for two weeks to relax and take a staycation at my lovely Venice Beach home. I really was looking forward to sleeping in but, unfortunately, Debbie Downer took to pounding on the ceiling and slamming doors at 6am. The noise would get louder when I had the fan on in the bathroom or if I used the blender in the kitchen. Later, she started waking up at 4:30am and slamming doors and pounding intentionally and maliciously. After two nights of NO sleep I was going stir-crazy! I wanted to talk to her but with my work hours it was next to impossible and quite honestly, I was scared of the confrontation that probably would have resulted. However, the universe had a divine way of fixing that.

My running partner Milton and I were at the track doing speed work and low and behold, who was there running? Debbie Downer. That’s right, Debbie. She was on the track face to face with me. I took a deep breath and said hello and her reply back was, “Eeeewh”! Wow, what a response! I was shocked! My first reaction was to go off on her right there on the track. Instead, I opted to take a lap around to gather my bearings.

One of the tools I share when I speak is my PERR principle. The RR is about shifting from Reacting from impulse to Responding from intuition. My reaction was to respond to her incivility with rudeness. My response from my intuition was to have compassion for her as a 36 year old woman who would greet me in such a manner, must clearly be in a great deal of pain. To further solidify and commit to my sympathetic response, I had to reach out to several of my Spiritual Counselor/Prayer Partners for support. They asked me what was needed in that situation and I kept hearing heard the word, Respect.

They asked me where in my life had I been disrespecting myself. I could see how some of my choices in my self-care were not in alignment with the respect I know I deserve. This realization led me to feel relieved because I knew that I could not will Debbie Downer to change. I could pray for her highest good which, by the way, instantly stopped the banging. (I am crying with gratitude to be able to sleep through the night again. I also felt empowered because I could change my behavior, perceptions and actions where I was powerless over her actions.

The lesson in this situation was to resume respecting myself in minor and massive ways so this lower vibration could not correspond to my field. Knowing that thoughts are energy and if I had any shame, thoughts or guilt it was being corresponded to with punishment by my angel of clarity whom I call, Debbie Downer.

How can you respect yourself more in this month of self-love in both little and big ways? Email me

Resolutions vs Intentions: How to get the Results You Want

Have you been disappointed in the past because you did not complete your New Years Resolutions?

Are you so fed up with the whole idea that you don’t even set goals for the New Year?

Would you like this new decade to be different?

First, let go of the idea of setting resolutions. Resolution by definition is to resolve or make something happen, which in your mind creates the image of effort which your ego will naturally resist so you will be fighting against yourself.

In contrast, when you set intentions by definition you are committing to complete a task or goal. This has the energy of ease and grace which is our philosophy at Synergy Unlimited.

Here are simple tips to set you up for success with ease and grace.

*Seven Tips for Foolproof Manifestation*

1) BREAK IT DOWN: into manageable daily action items. Ask yourself: What can I do today to fulfill this intention? OR Who can I be to become this person I intend to be? Take one intention or two at a time to focus on until you complete then, than you can add more and build on your successes.

2) SCHEDULE IT: in your calendar and see it in your life. Schedule your intentions as appointments into your daily calendar. You would
not miss an appointment with your boss. Well, you are the boss and co-creator of your life so make your goals a priority. This is how Adoley and I wrote our book. We consistently scheduled every single session.

3) START SMALL AND EASY: (don’t over commit yourself). If you have never worked out before don’t commit to running daily. Start with 2 days a week of playouts (not workouts). Choose something fun that you enjoy and build gradually.

4) TIME IT OUT: Often times we procrastinate on our goals because we feel we don’t have time. However, if you pace yourself by using a timer it is so much more manageable to commit to and complete big undertaking. If you want to get organized rather than taking on the whole garage as a project, commit to setting the timer to 20 minutes a couple of times a week. Slowly, but surely it will be completed and you can feel a sense of accomplishment.

5) SYNERGIZE: Partner up with a friend.
The only way I will get up at 6am to run is because my running partner will knock my door down if I attempt to sleep in. Anyway, it is so much fun to share a goal with someone so they can motivate, encourage and share in your success.

6) PARTNER: with something that you don’t like with something that you do like. For example, if I have to study for an exam and I don’t particularly like to sit in a library but I love listening to smooth jazz music I record a study mix on my Ipod that will keep me motivated to continue to study.

7) REWARD: yourself at milestones.
I am not going to wait until I finish the LA Marathon on March 21st to reward myself. Each week of our training I give myself a small treat such a movie or a book to acknowledge my commitment to my health.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Intuitive Guidance for Success

Have you ever had a gut feeling that guided you to not do something or go somewhere?

Have you ever gone against your instinct and regretted it?

Have you ever just known something or someone was wrong for you but pursued it anyway than paid the price?

This gift of our intuition is a tool or sixth sense that we can use to co-create our success with ease and grace. I recently became very conscious of my ability to use intuition and have had magnificent results particularly in generating abundance and divine right places to live. I was guided to share this in order to assist you in choosing relationships, careers and people who will allow you to live on purpose. When you listen and trust, you will find that abundance, joy, peace and love are natural results.

Going beyond the five senses is sometimes called discernment. This means a power to see what is not evident to the average mind. I even discovered that my name, Deborah, means prophetess, or the gift of prophecy of seeing, knowing beyond the senses of sight, smell, hearing, feeling or tasting.

Discernment is something that we are all born with but often forget. We get caught up in the mass mesmerism of the world that often tunes us into the stations of K-Fear, K-Lack, K-Worry and K-Scarcity. This lack mentality is a tool to sell products and to get the masses vested in the agenda.

In contrast, the gift of discernment allows us to escape the victim mentality as a product of our circumstances, conditions and effects on our life. In fact, discernment liberates us to see from the invisible, hear from the inaudible, know from the infinite wisdom that we are all tapped into and do things that some would say is impossible. We all have had experiences where we went against the norm or what was expected because we had a hunch that led us from the core of our being. What would our life be life if all choices and decisions, big and small, were guided by discernment?

The gift of discernment is what led me to find my beach-front pad at a super-low price, unheard of by even my neighbors. This is the power of going beyond the five senses and tapping into our intuition, higher self or the universal source of all.

Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude

It is a time of rapid transformation where the news media is bombarding us with incessant stories of doom and gloom. It takes vigilant intention to stay positive and optimistic amidst all this talk of fear and scarcity. We have two choices; we can be victims of the circumstances of the external world and get depressed. Or we can make a choice to discover the lesson that is allowing our soul to grow and expand. Trust me. I have done both and the latter is recommended.

Rather than being a victim we are being challenged to ask new questions that will empower us. Ask yourself any one of these questions that resonate with you: What am I to learn from this situation (loss of job, relationship, etc).? How can this help condition help me to grow? Who do I need to become to shift the results in my life? What do I need to let go of?

I also challenge you to stop gossiping or complaining about the economy, money or lack of anything. It can be challenging to be the one standing out of the pack choosing to be grateful. However, I promise you if you choose to do this your vibration with elevate causing you to be magnetically attracting good into your life.

*7 Points for Personal Economic Stimulus Plan*

Here are seven talking points to bring up in conversation to cultivate an attitude of gratitude that will facilitate your financial freedom. I truly believe my own shift in financial flow came from practicing these in my life.

1) Feeling of Connection with Friends and Family

Even if it is to ask for money, sleep on the couch or ask for advice. Now, more than ever we are being humbled to coming together and help each other through this time of rapid change. It is overwhelming by ourselves but when we come together we can get through it and reconnect with friends, rebuild families and know that we are never alone. Be grateful for your support system.

2) Desperation Cultivates Innovation

The book, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill illustrated how during the Depression millionaires were made such as: Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Ford. These men did not try to resolve the problem they transcended it through innovative creativity. Einstein says, "You can’t solve a problem from the consciousness that created it". To transcend a perceived problem we need to observe it from a detached third person perspective.

Michelle Meiche taught an amazing process to release worry. Here is a brief synopsis. Relax your body, get still and than think of the problem or situation. Now, focus on the breath and be the witness of the breath. Continue breathing. Let go of stilling the mind this is impossible just witness thoughts and focus back on the breath. Now, focus on the watcher of the breath. Now, connect with the problem. You will find you can't find it. Your witnessing has detached you from the grip of separation. When you tap into the oneness of your being through focused awareness on the breath you will discover the problem is not real. It is from this space that you will have access to infinite innovative and inspired guidance. Be grateful that you don't have the responsibility to figure out how to resolve the problem you can get still and connect to your breath and the answers will be downloaded to you. This is your direct DSL connection to divine.

3) A Call for Spiritual Growth

Now, more than ever there is a higher attendance at Churches/Temples/Mosques. Oprah did an amazing show called Spirituality 101 on how to see the spiritual truth in every challenging situation (download Oprah on Itunes podcasts for free. I also enjoy Joel Olsteen, and Rev Bacon). Sometimes it takes a life changing event to bring us to our knees in order for us to surrender self-will to a higher will. We can use this time as an opportunity to increase our faith not in banks, the stock market or a job but in a power greater than ourselves. If you are in Los Angeles consider joining me at Be grateful for your faith in a power greater than yourself.

4) People seeking higher education

We are seeing an increased enrollment at Community Colleges and trade schools. I actually was contracted to help Los Angeles Community College students find green sustainable employment. If you get laid off rather than getting upset be grateful that you can now pursue your true passion or calling.

5) Bartering is Back

As a life coach and spiritual counselor I always have leveraged my talent for barter. I trade sessions with my color printer and personal trainer. I have friends that trade for haircuts, dental work and even legal services. Identify a talent/skill you have and identify people you can trade with for something you really need. Your money may be lighter but your time and talent are abundant so rejoice in your true assets that are recession proof. Be grateful your talents are an asset that is can always be liquidated tax-free.

6) Simple is Sweet

Many people are using this time as a great opportunity to cut down on expenditures that are not used or needed. I cancelled some unused subscriptions and decided to cook at home more. I still go out to eat once in awhile but am much more grateful when I do. Before I took it for granted that I could. I find that this downsizing of things I don't use and getting rid of clutter has opened up the energy for my projects to come through. Be grateful to simplify your life.

7) Synergy Sizzles

Understanding the power of Synergy. Buckminster Fuller coined the term, Synergy, meaning the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. My company Synergy Unlimited formed a consortium of speakers who all believe is this vision and are committed to spreading the message of ease and grace world wide. How can you duplicate yourself? Who can you partner with? How can you leverage your resources to fulfill a project, goal or dream you have? Be grateful to know you don't have to do anything alone. With the power of Synergy, anything is possible!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Surrender into GRACE

Grace is... letting go even though I may think I want to hold on

Grace is... pure flow relinquishing any idea of the need for struggle and strain

Grace is... surrendering to what IS instead of trying to fight and force what isn't

Grace is…acceptance of divine order in all relationships, circumstances and conditions

Grace is…allowing the synchronicity of the universe to override all limiting beliefs of lack and of limitation

Grace is…opening to the natural state of serenity that is our birthright

Grace is a…stillness that is led and guided by discernment rather than by senseless incessant mind chatter

Grace is living in the NOW moment unencumbered by anything from the past or worries about the future.